Wer sich jetzt noch entschließt, einen Vortrag auf der Weltkonferenz zu halten, kann sich mit einem Thema bewerben und bei Annahme Reisekostenzuschüsse über BI-International beantragen (bis 31.03.!). Folgende Sessions halten ihre Calls for Papers-Aufrufe noch offen. Achtung: Themen und Fristen sind sehr unterschiedlich. Vereinzelt können die Fristen verlängert werden. Bitte Infos auf den Webseiten checken.
Bis 6. März:
Library and Research Services for Parliaments, Thema: „Evidence-based policy’ and parliamentary library & research service practice: what works?“
Bis 9. März:
Health and Biosciences joint with Information Technology, Thema: „Enabling open science, open access, and artificial intelligence to advance and support healthcare practice and scientific discovery“
Bis 10. März:
Preservation and Conservation joint with Information Technology, Thema: „Preserving complex digital objects in libraries“
Bis 15. März:
Knowledge Management joint with the Information Technology ,Thema: „The future of the library and library systems: outsourcing, cloud, and new tech impact of user communities“
Knowledge Management joint with Subject Analysis and Access , Thema: „Subject Access and Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing competencies and safeguarding ethics“
Government Information and Official Publications, Thema: „Navigating the Government Information and Official Publications Landscape: Authority, Reproducibility and Accessibility“
New Professionals joint with Audiovisual and Multimedia and the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, Thema: „Music in the library world“
Science and Technology Libraries joint with Social Science Libraries, Thema: „Open Science: Roles for Libraries to Promote Collaboration, Access and Advance Public Understanding“
Serials and Other Continuing Resources, Thema: „Worldwide Open Access Mandates and Policies“
Bis 13. März:
News Media joint with Digital Humanities–Digital Scholarship, FAIFE (Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Advisory Committee), and CLM (Copyright and Other Legal Matters Advisory Committee), Thema: „How Fake News Impacts and Engages the Library Mission and Services“
Reference and Information Services, Thema: „Enabling Information Ethics in a Technologically Saturated World“
Bis 16. März:
Evidence for Global & Disaster Health (E4GDH), Thema: „Engage, enable and connect in global and disaster health: increasing access to multi-language evidence“
Bis 17. März:
Committee on Standards, Thema: „IFLA Standards and Library Practices in Conversation“
Bis 20. März:
Big Data, Thema: „Better Together: Collaborative Solutions to the Challenges of Data and Libraries“
IFLA’s Policy and Advocacy team with Offline Internet Consortium, Thema: „Expanding Offline Access to Networked Information“
Bis 23. März:
Public Libraries, Thema: „Public Libraries as a Reflection of their Communities“
Bis 25. März:
Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship joint with News Media, Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression and Copyright and Other Legal Matters, Thema: „The Technology Behind Media Misinformation: The Creation, Detection, and Investigation of Fake News“
Bis 27. März:
Government Libraries, Thema: „Evidence based policy“
Bis 1. April:
Bibliography, Thema: „Smarter Bibliographies: Connecting and engaging national bibliographies with new platforms“
Cataloguing, Thema: „Metadata quality issues and policies“
Education and Training, Thema: „Putting Emerging LIS Competencies into Education and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities“
Bis 2. April:
Information Literacy joint with School Libraries, Thema: „Perspectives on the role of information literacy education in fostering a smooth transition throughout a learner’s formal education journey – from PK to 20 and beyond“
Bis 3. April:
Library Publishing, Thema: „Library Publishing: Catalyst for Change“
Library Services to People with Special Needs, Thema: „A New Home: Library Services to Refugees, Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum Seekers“
Bis 6. April:
School Libraries, Thema: „A focus on Inquiry from the perspective of the IFLA School Library Guidelines“
Bis 15. April:
Rare Books and Special Collections joint with Preservation & Conservation, Art Libraries and Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC), Thema: „Building Trust through Exhibitions“
Bis 3. Mai:
Rare Books and Special Collections joint with Statistics and Evaluation, Thema: „Heritage as Value: the Different Values of Special Collections“