Übersicht aller Calls-for-Papers beim IFLA-Weltkongress in Dublin: Bis wann und wo man jetzt noch was einreichen kann

Wer sich jetzt noch entschließt, einen Vortrag auf der Weltkonferenz zu halten, kann sich mit einem Thema bewerben und bei Annahme Reisekostenzuschüsse über BI-International beantragen (bis 31.03.!). Folgende Sessions halten ihre Calls for Papers-Aufrufe noch offen. Achtung: Themen und Fristen sind sehr unterschiedlich. Vereinzelt können die Fristen verlängert werden. Bitte Infos auf den Webseiten checken.

Bis 6. März:

Library and Research Services for Parliaments, Thema: „Evidence-based policy’ and parliamentary library & research service practice: what works?“

Bis 9. März:

Health and Biosciences joint with Information Technology, Thema: „Enabling open science, open access, and artificial intelligence to advance and support healthcare practice and scientific discovery“

Bis 10. März:

Preservation and Conservation joint with Information Technology, Thema: „Preserving complex digital objects in libraries“

Bis 15. März:

Acquisition and Collection Development, Thema: „Collection development in the era of open access: impacts of open access business models and open access resources on library collection development“

Audiovisual and Multimedia joint with Metropolitan Libraries, Thema: „Inspire, Enable, Engage and Connect: Video and Multimedia Productions by and for Libraries and Library Users“

Knowledge Management joint with the Information Technology ,Thema: „The future of the library and library systems: outsourcing, cloud, and new tech impact of user communities“

Knowledge Management joint with Subject Analysis and Access , Thema: „Subject Access and Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing competencies and safeguarding ethics“

Government Information and Official Publications, Thema: „Navigating the Government Information and Official Publications Landscape: Authority, Reproducibility and Accessibility“

New Professionals joint with Audiovisual and Multimedia and the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres, Thema: „Music in the library world“

Science and Technology Libraries joint with Social Science Libraries, Thema: „Open Science: Roles for Libraries to Promote Collaboration, Access and Advance Public Understanding“

Serials and Other Continuing Resources, Thema: „Worldwide Open Access Mandates and Policies“

Bis 13. März:

News Media joint with Digital Humanities–Digital Scholarship, FAIFE (Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression Advisory Committee), and CLM (Copyright and Other Legal Matters Advisory Committee), Thema: „How Fake News Impacts and Engages the Library Mission and Services“

Reference and Information Services, Thema: „Enabling Information Ethics in a Technologically Saturated World“

Bis 16. März:

Evidence for Global & Disaster Health (E4GDH), Thema: „Engage, enable and connect in global and disaster health: increasing access to multi-language evidence“

Bis 17. März:

Committee on Standards, Thema: „IFLA Standards and Library Practices in Conversation“

Bis 20. März:

Big Data, Thema: „Better Together: Collaborative Solutions to the Challenges of Data and Libraries“

IFLA’s Policy and Advocacy team with Offline Internet Consortium, Thema: „Expanding Offline Access to Networked Information“

Bis 23. März:

Public Libraries, Thema: „Public Libraries as a Reflection of their Communities“

Bis 25. März:

Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship joint with News Media, Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression and Copyright and Other Legal Matters, Thema: „The Technology Behind Media Misinformation: The Creation, Detection, and Investigation of Fake News“

Bis 27. März:

Government Libraries, Thema: „Evidence based policy“

Bis 1. April:

Bibliography, Thema: „Smarter Bibliographies: Connecting and engaging national bibliographies with new platforms“

Cataloguing, Thema: „Metadata quality issues and policies“

Education and Training, Thema: „Putting Emerging LIS Competencies into Education and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities“

Bis 2. April:

Information Literacy joint with School Libraries, Thema: „Perspectives on the role of information literacy education in fostering a smooth transition throughout a learner’s formal education journey – from PK to 20 and beyond“

Bis 3. April:

Library Publishing, Thema: „Library Publishing: Catalyst for Change“

Library Services to People with Special Needs, Thema: „A New Home: Library Services to Refugees, Immigrants, Migrants, and Asylum Seekers“

Bis 6. April:

School Libraries, Thema: „A focus on Inquiry from the perspective of the IFLA School Library Guidelines“

Bis 15. April:

Rare Books and Special Collections joint with Preservation & Conservation, Art Libraries and Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation (PAC), Thema: „Building Trust through Exhibitions“

Bis 3. Mai:

Rare Books and Special Collections joint with Statistics and Evaluation, Thema: „Heritage as Value: the Different Values of Special Collections“